Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami on Tuesday said that the State government was not in a position financially to reduce sales tax on petrol and diesel, appealing to the Centre to reduce excise duty it charges on the commodity.
“Funds are required for various programmes for the government. You are all aware of Tamil Nadu’s financial position. We are not in a position to reduce sales tax. The central government should reduce the excise duty on petrol,” Palaniswami said.
Fuel prices continue to sky-rocket, which is being sold at Rs 80.87 and diesel at Rs 72.97 per litre in the national capital. Both petrol and diesel were hiked by 14 paise.
Meanwhile, petrol and diesel prices in Mumbai have soared up to Rs 88.26 and Rs 77.47 per litre respectively.
This comes despite Opposition’s protests against the rising fuel prices. The Congress party, along with other opposition parties, called for a nationwide strike across the country on Monday to protest against the rising fuel prices and the falling value of the rupee against the US dollar.
As many as 21 opposition parties, both regional and national, extended their support to the countrywide strike.