New Delhi : Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju on Thursday said the Centre never criticized the Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi Party Government over the Dadri lynching incident in Uttar Pradesh where a 50-year-old man was killed for allegedly eating beef.
“The Centre never criticized the Uttar Pradesh Government over the Dadri incident. We said it’s a sad incident, sought a report and offered all possible assistance. Ensuring a peaceful environment is not the government’s responsibility alone. All political parties should come together for the same,” Rijiju said in Rajya Sabha.
He said that one of the strongest advisories was issued at the time of the Dadri incident so that communal harmony is protected at any cost.
“Anybody, who tries to destroy fabric of secular and communal harmony, must be taken to task,” he added.
The Dadri lynching took place on September 28 last year when a Hindu mob attacked a Muslim family, alleging that the family was storing and consuming beef.
The mob killed Mohammad Akhlaq and injured his son severely. Akhlaq’s other son was serving with the Indian Air Force in Chennai at the time. (ANI)