Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Sunday criticised the central government for not paying Maharashtra’s share of Rs 15,558 crore comprising Goods and Services Tax (GST) compensation upto November 2019.
“It was promised that the Central Government will compensate the states for the loss in revenue collection due to GST… The Centre has not returned the GST amount to the states for the past four months. Centre has not given Rs 15,558 crore to Maharashtra. It could not provide Rs 4,531 crore to Telangana, Rs 2,100 crore to Punjab, Rs 1,600 crore to Kerala, Rs 1,500 to West Bengal and Rs 2,355 crore to Delhi,” the party said in its mouthpiece Saamana.
The party further stated that there is a day-to-day loss in revenue from GST.
Earlier, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray had written to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman stating that the Maharashtra government is awaiting its “legitimate dues” of Rs 15,558.05 crore including GST compensation up to November 2019 from the Centre.
In his letter to Nirmala Sitharaman, the Chief Minister has sought immediate release of the amount.
“Maharashtra is waiting for its legitimate dues of Rs 15558.05 crore from the Government, it is also suffering due to shortfall in tax devolution. Timely release of GST compensation and tax devolution amount will help my state to manage the finances efficiently,” Thackeray wrote.
“As per the Union Budget 2019-2020 the tax devolution to Maharashtra is Rs 46630.66 crore which is 11.15 per cent more than Rs 41952.65 crore, received by the State during 2018-2019. But the State has received an amount of Rs 20254.92 crore only till the month of October 2019, which is less by Rs 6946.29 crore (-25.53 per cent) as compared to Budget Estimated for the year 2019-2020. So, instead of receiving an enhanced amount, the state has received less than the budgeted amount,” he added.