Madurai: B Velmurugan, an executive committee member of the Tamil Nadu BJP’s tech cell has been arrested over Facebook posts for expressing joy over the death of Hajj pilgrims in a recent crane crash in Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah.
Velmurugan of Madurai further said that he would be happier if the people who lost their lives in the tragic incident were his neighbours.
According to a The New Indian Express reports, he was remanded to judicial custody after Ajmer Ali from Ramanathapuram district noticed the controversial post and made a complaint.
Though the controversial posts have been removed but his Facebbook account shows that he had made several “offensive” posts about Muslims in the past.
According to police, Velmurugan holds a bachelors degree in IT and runs a computer centre in Tirumangalam.
He was appointed to his present post in the BJP on March 2. He was booked under various IPC Sections, including 153A (promoting enmity between different communities), 295A, 505 (1) (c) and 505 (2).