CBSE class 10 exams: students take first compulsory paper

New Delhi, March 05: Class 10 students of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) made their way anxiously to exam centres around the country Friday to answer their first major and compulsory paper Social Science, though some had taken their first exam March 3 in Music, an optional subject.

Doing their last minute studies outside the examination centres, most students said that they were worried about the questions they have to tackle and the lengthy answers required.

‘Social Science is a theoretical subject and the questions often demand lengthy answers. I just hope that I can finish my paper on time,’ said an anxious Aakriti Sharma, a student outside a south Delhi centre.

Said Rajiv Bhatia, another student: ‘The length of the paper is what worries me. Otherwise I like Social Science and it is a scoring subject.’

Parents who accompanied their kids to examination centres waited outside the gates until the exams began at 10.30 a.m.

‘It’s my kid’s first board exam…and it feels like I am going to give my boards all over again! I tried my best to mask my nervousness and advised him to just relax and take the paper with a cool mind,’ said Sarita Gupta, a parent.

‘Social Science is not a very easy subject and I am happy that this is the first paper. It will take a big load off my kid’s shoulder,’ she added.

The CBSE initiated a new grading system for Class 10 from last year to take pressure off students who are appearing for the board exam. The performance of the students throughout the year is now assessed via a grading system.

Talking about the grading system, Ashish Mehta, a parent, said: ‘I am very happy with the grading system initiative. It’s just so sad to see kids disappointed because of one or two marks and not making to a particular bracket of high scorer.’

Over 1.6 million students are sitting for the CBSE examinations at over 5,500 centres spread across the country and abroad. This year 902,517 students of Class 10 and 699,129 of Class 12 are appearing for the exams. Of these, around 20,000 are students from Gulf countries.