CBSE to announce Class X results tomorrow

New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will announce the class X Board exam results on May 28 at 2.00 p.m.

The students can check their results on the board’s result website http://cbse

This year, 14,99,122 students, including 8,92,685 boys and 6,06,437 girls, from 15,309 schools registered for CBSE Class 10 examination. The pass percentage of Class 10 students in 2015 was 97.32 last year.

The students who opted for board-based scheme appeared for the examination between March 1 and March 28. Those who opted for school-based examination took the papers from March 10 onwards.

As per previous years, this year also the CBSE is hosting its result on net with the technical support of National Informatics Centre (NIC), Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

There were 2,860 differently-abled students who registered this year. Depending on their abilities, the education board made special provisions to facilitate their appearance in the examination.

These provisions included granting extra time to students or allowing them to avail the help of a scribe or adult prompter. (ANI)