New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has taken over the probe into the death of Fathima Latheef, a student of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Madras, who allegedly committed suicide last month.
The Tamil Nadu government had transferred the case to the CBI earlier this month after the family of Fathima had sought a thorough investigation into the matter.
The Special Crime Branch had re-registered the FIR of the local police on December 27.
Fathima, a native of Kerala pursuing an integrated MA programme at IIT-Madras, had allegedly taken her own life by hanging herself from a ceiling fan in her hostel room on November 8.
Following the incident, the police in its primary investigation had revealed that Fathima was staying away from her family for the first time and had scored poorly in her internal exam.
The Chennai Police Commissioner had on November 14 transferred the case to the Central Crime Branch for further investigation after massive outcry over the issue.