The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday filed a charge sheet against Chairman and Vice-Chairman & Managing Director of a Hyderabad-based private company under section 120-B and 420 of IPC in the Court of Special Judge for CBI Cases, Patiala House Court in relation to one of the Coal Block Allocation cases.
The case was registered on March 3, 2012 against a Hyderabad based private company; Chairman and Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, and unknown officials of the Ministry of Coal under section 120-B, 420 of IPC and 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) of the P.C .Act, 1988 on the allegations for having embellished their net worth by quoting the net worth of global giants without legal basis, during the coal block allocation process.
Subsequently, Rampia and Dip-side Rampia coal blocks were jointly allocated to six companies including the said Hyderabad based company. Further, investigation is continuing into the role of public servants, if any, in the case. The findings are based on the investigation done by CBI and evidence collected by it. Under the Indian Law, the accused are presumed to be innocent till their guilt is finally established after a fair trial. (ANI)