New Delhi: The CBI today arrested a Principal Secretary in the Delhi government for allegedly demanding a bribe of Rs 2.2 lakh from the owner of a firm that supplies security guards and other manpower for clearing pending bills.
Sanjay Pratap Singh, Principal Secretary, Department of SC, ST and Minorities, and his personal assistant were arrested after the complainant approached Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s office.
They said the businessman, whose firm supplies peons, security guards and other staff for sundry works to various agencies, had accused Singh, an IAS officer of 1984 batch of AGMUT cadre, of demanding Rs 2.2 lakh as bribe for clearing bills for services rendered by the company.
CBI sleuths laid a trap after which Singh and his personal assistant were arrested.
“The complainant had recently approached Chief Minister’s Office. The CM’s office then guided the complainant in trapping the official and tonight got SP Singh arrested by CBI red-handed. CBI acted on the complaint received from CM Office,” a Delhi government spokesperson said.