New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in a recent move on Thursday has announced a reward of Rs 10 lac to anyone who can provide information about missing JNU student, Najeeb Ahmed. The M.Sc student went missing last year after an alleged clash between him and Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) members on October 14, 2016.
CBI was given the charge of the probe on May 16 for the matter, which was being earlier investigated by the Delhi Police.
The Delhi High Court had directed that the matter will be handed over to an officer of a high rank, not below any rank of Deputy Inspector General. Najeeb’s mother had filed a plea and the case was moved to CBI as the decision of Court.
The student politics outfit had denied all claims of its role in Najeeb’s disappearance. A special investigation team (SIT) of the Delhi Police was assigned to investigate the matter, led by Additional DCP II (South) Manishi Chadra. However, the case was handed over to the Delhi Police Crime Branch when Delhi Police remained unsuccessful in finding out the whereabouts of Najeeb.
Nine students have been named suspects in Najeeb’s disappearance. The Delhi High court had ordered the police then to hold polygraph exams and consider possible leads.