On Sunday, the sleuths of Commissioner’s Task force and Nallakunta Police Station apprehended a notorious cat burglar Timmasamudram Shiva, who committed house burglaries in Hyderabad. The sleuths also arrested two receivers of stolen property Valli Pasha and Ram Prasad and recovered 45 tolas of Gold ornaments, 500 gram silver, two Laptops, one Honda Activa bike, one Cell phone and Rs 10,000 from their possession.
Police said accused Timmasamudram Shiva Kumar, a native of East Kodipally under Kalyanadurgam mandal of Anantapur District fled house when he was about nine years and landed in Hyderabad. He was picked up by an NGO at Secunderabad Railway Station and shifted to Don Bosco school-cum-hostel at Bhoiguda, Secunderabad. He was released from the hostel in 2005 and started committing house burglaries. Previously, he was arrested in connection with 17 theft cases and sent to jail from Saifabad, Marredpally, Nampally, Panjagutta, Lalaguda, SR Nagar, OU Sity, Chilkalguda, Nallakunta, Uppal and LB Nagar Police Stations.
The accused was presently residing at Yallahanka, Bengaluru and visits Hyderabad every month and committed house burglaries at the houses nearby Railway Stations. He selects houses in posh colonies and break open the main door locks and almirah locks and flees away with gold and silver ornaments and later disposes them with the help of mediators/receivers like Valli Pasha, of Secunderabad Pot Market and Ram Prasad of Nagarkurnool in Mahbubnagar district. (NSS)