Candidate who buys your vote would also sell you

Public are of the opinion that vote should be cast in favour of such candidate who has service spirit, who prefers national interests to personal interest. There is no dearth of people who are spending money to buy votes by distributing cash or kind. Candidates are trying to bribe voters on large scale but the voters should think well before casting vote. They should consider the educational qualification of the candidate, keep the candidates past in view, review the record of his public services, would the candidate reach when you call him at the time of need etc.

A social activist said vote is our strength. It cannot be sold at the cost of Rs. 500. If you sell your vote for Rs. 500 or 1000 you are selling your vote for Rs. 500 5 years which means you are selling it at nearly 4 annas per day.

Voters should think that today the person who is buying your vote will bargain your interest and you would also lose right to object.

Siasat news