Washington: The internet is surely not taking the controversial report about bacon causing cancer well as #freebacon, #baconfight have become the most trending topics on Twitter.
The internet has gone wild since the World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that consuming bacon can cause cancer.
People from around the world headed to twitter to express their anger and vent out their frustration at the sad news, People Magazine reports.
“This “bacon causes cancer” news is making my blood pressure rise which is bad cause the bacon I eat is doing a good enough job causing that #freebacon,” Tweeted a bacon lover.
“If I see another smug vegan bragging about the bacon news I’m gonna smack them with the package of bacon i have in my fridge,” a frustrated bacon lover said.
Another fearless bacon eater said “Woke up today & had bacon. Death never tasted so good #freebacon.”
“Anything you truly want must be worth fighting for. Like bacon. I would fight you for bacon. I would win. #baconfight,” tweeted a bacon eater.
The fact is bacon will increase your chances of developing cancer by five to six percent and smoking cigarettes will increase it by 2500 percent. So it’s better to stop smoking. (ANI)