Hyderabad: TDP MLA, Mr. R. Kishnaiya while addressing the newsmen at media point of A.P. Assembly yesterday requested CM of A.P. Mr. Chandrababu Naidu to cancel G.O. 50. He also requested the CM to conduct Group I, II, III, IV examinations on the lines of Telangana State Public Service Commission. Mr. Krishnaiya told that giving question paper to 25000 candidates on different dates would be injustice. It is very difficult to select meritorious candidate with this system. He pointed out that TS Govt. had made an attempt to change the pattern of question papers but on the protest made by opposition parties, it dropped the idea. Mr. Krishnaiya demanded Govt. of A.P. to frame question papers on the model of Telangana State Public Service Commission. He also told that he would write a letter to Mr. Naidu to apprise him of the damages G.O. 50 would cause. He mentioned that this examination is being conducted after a lapse of four years.
–Siasat News