Ottawa: Canadian travel blogger, and renowned social media personality Rosie Gabrielle reverted to Islam. She called Islam a religion of love and humanity.
Taking to her Instagram account personality and announced her life-changing decision saying: “As I mentioned previously, this last year was one of the hardest in my life, and all life’s challenges have led me to this point here and now.”
She added: “I wanted peace in my heart, forgiveness and the most profound connection with all. And thus started my journey…… The universe brought me to Pakistan…….. Living in a Muslim country for 10+ years and travelling extensively through these regions. I observed one thing: Peace. A kind of peace that one can only dream of having in their hearts.”
The true meaning of Islam
Saying that ‘The true meaning of Islam, is Peace, Love & Oneness. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and love.’ Rosie claimed ‘Unfortunately Islam is one of the most misinterpreted and criticized religions worldwide.’
Technically a “Muslim”
She concluded, “Like all religions, there are many interpretations. But, the core of it, the true meaning of Islam, is PEACE, LOVE and ONENESS. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and Love. For me, I was already technically a “Muslim”. My shahada was basically a re-dedication of my life to the path of Oneness, connection and Peace through the devotion of God.”