Can Congress beat BJP? How ?

New Delhi: ‘Policy paralysis’ an economic term which emerged two years before the fall of Congress government made a boom when no news report on India’s financial health looked complete without a ‘policy paralysis’ inserted into it.

But, since the BJP came over, the past three years haven’t witnessed the term ‘paralysis.’  Conflicting, their expectations, Indians additionally had to, and are absorbing shocks of ‘note ban’ and GST.

Well, now the major part of the nation has realized that it’s too far-fetched to expect a bumper output from factories and farms, a massive job creation and eradication of poverty under the BJP.

Rahul Gandhi, once expected to be the future prime minister, is now target of trolls. Congress once had a grandest past. In it’s golden past Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, a suave Sikh in a powder-blue turban became the architect of a new India. As finance minister from 1991-1996, Manmohan Singh restructured the Indian economy after four decades of quasi-socialism.

“We will have to devise innovative plans to ensure that minorities, particularly the Muslim minority, are empowered to share equitably the fruits of development. These must have the first claim on resources,” said Manmohan Singh in a meeting of the National Development Council in December 2006.

Singh themselves a minority, reported a leader from another minority and spoke about gifting natural resources to a third minority, the country’s largest.

The statement became target for Hindutva forces and a reason for pressing down the button for the Congress’ countdown. Given the size of our country, it took them almost five to six years – into the UPA’s second term – to convert mounting resentment into full-blown fears of an identity crisis.

Large majority then experienced the threat that Singh and his bosses sowed.  But will the INC’s Phoenix ever rise from its ashes?

Can Congress now beat BJP at its own game ?

The only way out is to mobilize minorities – ethnic, religious, tribal and the Dalits.

Minorities have legitimate fears that can’t be addressed by television statements alone. Now that the Congress has got the right tree and the right roots, it’s time for it to target the from the ground every time it sees a lynching happening.