Calling wife ugly may become offence in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, May 28: Calling one’s wife ugly may soon be considered an offence under a Malaysian law that seeks to protect a woman both physically and emotionally.

One of the clauses proposed to be amended in the Domestic Violence Act 1994 pertains to emotional violence against women who are currently only protected against physical abuse, the Star newspaper said Thursday.

Women’s Development Department director-general Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur said emotional violence was a form of abuse that scars women deeply and lowers their self-esteem, dignity and self-confidence.

‘It could be a case when a husband tells his wife she is ugly or humiliates her until she feels emotionally pressured,’ she told media at the end of a seminar on how to curb violence against women.

The government is in the process of bringing the proposed amendment to parliament.