New Delhi The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday finalised four agreements to be signed with Jordan in the fields of health, customs, manpower and setting up of a fertiliser facility in the Arab nation.
Under the agreement on health and medical science, the countries will seek each other’s cooperation in universal health coverage, health system governance, services and IT in health, health research, national health statistics, health finance and health economy, chronic disease control, tobacco control, diagnosis, treatment and medication in tuberculosis, and regulation of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
The Memorandum of Understanding on manpower will seek to enable a healthy “administration of contractual employment” and enhancement of “protection and welfare of Indian workers in Jordan”.
On “customs matters”, the two countries will help each other in “the availability of relevant information for the prevention and investigation of customs offences”.
“The agreement is also expected to facilitate trade and ensure efficient clearance of goods traded between the countries,” read a government statement.
Another agreement laid the groundwork for “mining and beneficiation” of rock phosphate and MOP (Muriate of phosphate or Potassium chloride, most common potash fertiliser used in agriculture) and “setting up (of) production facility in Jordan for Phosphoric Acid/DAP/NPK Fertilisers with a long term agreement for 100 per cent off-take to India”.
“The MoU would ensure consistent supply of raw material, intermediaries and finished P&K fertilisers to cater to the needs of the country at a reasonable price,” the statement said.