The State Cabinet on Friday given green signal for filling up additional 2,825 teacher posts for setting up of Ashram schools in Scheduled areas under the Rajiv Vidya Mission project and creation of 1105 posts in different categories, including Engineers in the Power Generation Corporation (Genco) for the new power projects to be set up.
The Cabinet has also approved the appointments in a number of departments and bodies. It approved the filling up of 47 posts in the ACB, 392 posts in State Transport Department, 38 posts in State Information Commission, 23 posts in Valmikipuram Girls Gurukula School in Chittoor District, 19 posts in Government Polytechnic at Cheryal in Warangal district.
It was also decided to fill up six posts in Comprehensive Financial Management system project in Finance Department on regular basis and another 11 posts on contract basis; 24 posts on regular basis and 10 posts on contact for implementation of Tenth Finance Commission recommendations, in the Finance Department.
Green signal was also given for appointment of 37 teaching and eight non-teaching staff in the Kakatiya University college of Engineering and Technology at Warangal.
Among others, proposals for the Balanagar ESI dispensary in Mahaboobnagar district with 15 posts, ESI dispensary at Miryalguda in Nalgonda district with 13 posts and ESI dispensary at Marturu in Prakasham district with 16 posts were also cleared by the Cabinet.(NSS)