Allahabad: In an extraordinary move, the Allahabad High Court has taken suo moto cognizance of Uttar Pradesh police putting up banners containing photographs and details of persons accused of violence during anti-CAA protests at Lucknow on December 16.
A division bench comprising Chief Justice Govind Mathur and Justice Ramesh Sinha will hold a special sitting today (Sunday) at 10 AM to hear the matter.
The banners containing names, addresses and pictures of the accused persons appeared in several parts of Lucknow on Friday. They have been asked to pay the damages allegedly caused to public properties during the protests.
A government spokesman said the posters have been up on the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s directive at important intersections, including the main crossing in the busy Hazratganj area and in front of the Assembly building.
Noted activist Sadaf Jafar, human rights lawyer Mohammad Shoaib, activist and former IPS officer S R Darapuri etc., also figure in one of the banners.