Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said his government will avenge the destruction of public assets, during anti- CAA protests, by seizing and auctioning off the property of those involved in the violence. He stressed that those involved in the violence will be identified, and added that the police had been directed to keep tabs on attempts to rumor-mongering.
“There is no place for violence in a democracy. In the name of opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act, the Congress, SP and Left parties have pushed the entire country into the fire,” he said.
“There was violence in Lucknow and Sambhal and we will deal with it strictly. All property of those involved in damaging public assets will be seized and auctioned to compensate for the losses,” he said.
He said those damaging properties have been captured in video and CCTV footage. We will take revenge from them by seizing their property, he added.
Adityanath said prohibitory orders under section 144 of the CrPC have been in force in the state since November 8 and no demonstration can take place without permission.
“Violence in the name of the demonstration is not acceptable. I have talked to the officers and will ensure that the common man does not have any problem. We will strictly deal with those involved in violence,” the chief minister said.
He alleged that the opposition is creating confusion on the Citizenship Amendment Act as it is sidelined and ignored by the people.
“The CAA is not against any religion or section of society. It will ensure security and help refugees from other countries,” Adityanath said.