CAA-NRC: Activists release videos; call UP cops, RAF ‘rioters’

NEW DELHI: A fact-finding team has claimed that every assailant in the torture of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh governed by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was a policeman.

According to India Today reports, prominent human rights activists like John Dayal, Kavita Krishnan, and Harsh Mander shared a number of videos and pictures in a series of tweets and Facebook posts that purportedly show members of the Muslim community being targetted by the state police during the agitation against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens. (NRC).

Activist Kavita Krishnan, in one of the tweets, alleged that Uttar Pradesh police, the Rapid Action Force (RAF) and the Uttar Pradesh Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) of acting as “rioters” in uniform.

She said the “RAF was also involved in this destruction of Muslim homes singled out for being prosperous. The police, PAC and RAF, while doing their “jobs”, were shouting: “Muslims will be thrown out of India. Don’t damage the floor or walls. After all, all this will one day belong to us,” she claimed.

No Hindu shops attacked

Ms. Krishnan claimed that “not a single Hindu person, or shop, or home has been torched or attacked or harmed”.

“Instead all we saw were “wanted” notices of poor Muslim boys and men, with rewards announced for information about them or for their capture! And police have themselves acted as the biggest rioters, biggest,” she tweeted.

Men from saffron party involved

Ms. Krishnan alleged that supporters from the ruling BJP led the mob to ransacked the shops, vandalized and torched their properties.

“They smashed Muslim shops before entering Hamid Hasan’s house. They were brutal. They were abusive. They were relentless. “Go to Pakistan”, the men in uniform told the old men with beards,” activist John Dayal alleged.