CAA is in force, Mandatory for all states: Union Minister Tomar

Bhopal: The non-BJP states joining the anti-CAA list is slowly increasing while Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said the new law is a constitutional amendment and is in force despite protests.

Two days after MP Chief Minister Kamal announced he would not implement the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in the state, Tomar who was in the state said both the Parliament houses including the President of India has given their nod which made it a law, News18 reports.

“I urged all the chief ministers to implement this law to ensure justice to the suffering humanity,” Tomar said.

None of the saffron party members seem to explain why to exclude Muslims from the CAA and what is the fate of those Assamese Muslims who were left out in NRC labeled as illegal immigrants.

The minister added, BJP as promised in its election manifesto, had introduced Citizenship Act to offer persecuted Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Parsis a citizenship in India.

The party leaders continue on insisting that NRC and NPR are different. Tomar claimed the opposition party Congress needs to differentiate between infiltrators and refugees.

“If Congress party has objections to NPR, there can’t be any bigger mental bankruptcy that this,” Tomar said.

Backing Army Chief Bipin Rawat for his statement that “leaders are not those who lead people in inappropriate directions” Tomar said.