Chicago: The Hyderabad community members got together to appreciate the efforts of Chicago based businessman, Wasif Quadri for his services during the Covid-19 lockdown situation in Hyderabad from where he recently returned back to Chicago. Dr. Tajaumal Hussain while welcoming the guest shared various services organized by Wasif Quadri in Hyderabad and Quadri thanked the community for their ongoing support for his humanitarian work.
Quadri further encouraged community to come forward and do their part to create a environment of public services for people of all religions and communities.
Dr. Safatul Sayeed, Dr. Kaleem Khan, Dr. Aadil Mohiuddin, Mohammed Habeeb Pawalan, Nayeem Jefry, Asif Dada, Haroon Siddique, Mohammed Manan, Azeem Shareef, Masih SiddIqi, Wajahat Syed with many community members were present.