Hyderabad City Police Commissioner M. Mahendar Reddy today issue orders banning bursting of fireworks/crackers on public roads and public places during Deepavali Festival from 6 am on October 29 to 6pm on November 1.
The Police Commissioner has stated that in accordance with the direction of the Supreme Court, there shall be a complete ban on bursting sound Emitting Firecrackers on the public roads and public places in the Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabd between 10 pm and 6 am. The noise level from crackers, drums and other instruments if any between 6am and 10pm should not exceed the permissible limits as notified by the Pollution Control Board.
The Police Commissioner has warned that any person violating the ban order will be prosecuted under Hyderabad City Police Act and other relevant laws in force. (NSS)