Burkha Barbie

Is the Burka Barbie bad for young girls and their self image? Apparently the famous auction house Southerby’s in London does not think so. It has sponsored an auction of a number of Barbies dressed in Burkas for auction.

A Burka is a head to toe costume worn by some traditionally devout Muslim women designed to conceal every part of their bodies, expect for the eyes. In the months after 9/11, during the liberation of Afghanistan from the Taliban, the Burka was seen by many in the West as a symbol of
A Burka Barbie for Oppressed Muslim Girls Everywhere Muslim oppression of women. Women in Afghanistan were forced to wear Burkas, which tended to make navigation unreliable. A number of women in Afghanistan before the liberation were killed in automobile accidents as the Burkas they were forced to wear restricted their vision.

Even many Muslims believe that the Burka is taking Islam’s admonishment to women to dress modestly to extremes. The hajab head scarf, along with modest clothing, is seen by most Muslim women as sufficient. The Burka Barbie seems to be a misguided attempt by Westerners to be “culturally sensitive” by catering to the most extreme forms of the Muslim faith.

Of course there is the suggestion, apparently made by westerners, that the Burka Barbie would make Barbies accessible to girls living in strict Muslim countries. The Burka Barbie certainly addresses the other criticism that Barbie has gotten over the years; that the large breasts and the willow waist of the Barbies played heck on little girls’ self image. With the Burka covering, the impossibly slender, large busted Barbie will no longer be a problem.

Of course one can play with the meme a little bit. For the Burka Barbie to work, Ken is going to need a makeover. Ken will have to become Khalid and have a traditional beard and turban and take to ordering Barbie around, forcing her to remain in bondage. Ken/Khalid would even sport an AK 47 typical of a member of the Taliban.

And just to complete the meme, GI Joe can show up, shoot Ken/Khalid, liberate Barbie, and allow her to get an education and go to work. That would be an unintended version of playing dolls that Burka Barbie might cause.
