Hyderabad: Mr. Amer Ali Khan, News Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily received a letter from Alwal Church Home and nine letters from police stations. These dead bodies were collected from Osmania and Gandhi Hospitals and Alwal Church Home and they were buried in Kukatpally Muslim graveyard under the instructions from Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily.
Maulana Syed Shah Inamul Haq Qadri led funeral prayer in the premises of Osmania General Hospital. Mr. Shaik Abdul Aziz, President, Eidgah, Kukatpally phase IV, Mr. Nayeemuddin Sufi, President, Masjid Sufi, Secunderabad prayed for Ms. Muneerunisa Begum, wife of late Mr. Abid Ali Khan, founder Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily.
They said that by arranging the burials of 4000 destitute Muslim dead bodies, Siasat has done tremendous service.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan thanked Mr. Shaik Abdul Aziz and the residents of Kukatpally for their cooperation.
–Siasat News