Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday expressed grief over the death of Police Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh and a local Sumit during clashes that took place in Bulandshahr over the presence of illegal animal slaughterhouses in the city. Clashes began after locals in the region found a cattle carcass in the nearby area.
The Chief Minister has assured a speedy investigation into the matter and adequate compensation for the victims. It is worth mentioning to state that deceased Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh was the investigation officer (IO) for three months in the lynching of Akhlaq Ahmed, which took place in 2015 in Dadri.
Chief Minister Adityanath has directed Additional Director General (Intelligence) SB Shirodkar to reach the spot immediately and submit the report in two days. He has also directed the officer to find the reason and those behind the violence. The Chief Minister has also ordered for action against the guilty.
Uttar Pradesh Police’s Additional Director General (ADG), Law and Order, Anand Kumar told media: “One policeman died in stone pelting from the villagers. Later, a local Sumit also got shot, who was shifted to a hospital in Meerut where he succumbed to his injuries. A probe is underway to find out who shot at him.”
Kumar further said that villagers protested because they found a cattle carcass in the field. “People complained that the cattle carcass was found in the field. Villagers were assured action, but villagers carried the carcass on a tractor and blocked the main road. The protest turned violent and stones were pelted on the police. Forces retaliated with lathi-charge to control the mob.”