Stating that illegal structures will be dealt with seriously Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao today announced Rs 10 lakhs to the kin of deceased and Rs 1 lakh to the injured in the multi-storied building collapse incident at Nanakramguda last night. According to information three persons reportedly died include a mother and daughter from Vijayanagaram Paidamma and Gouri and one Shiva of Chattisgarh. Rescue operations are on to shift those caught under the debris. KTR announced that Sherilingampally Deputy Commissioner Manohar and Town Planning ACP Krishna Mohan were suspended for the building collapse which has no permission from the GHMC.
Talking to reporters after inspecting the incident spot along with Minister T Srinivas Yadav, GHMC Commissioner Janardhan Reddy, KTR stated that efforts are on to shift those persons injured under the debris to nearby hospital he said. The Minister expressed displeasure and anguish at the incident. Demolition drive against illegal structures is on under HMDA limits for 45 days and the incident is painful. KTR attributed the building collapse to the connivance of corrupt officials and builders who use sub standard material for construction. He also said that the GHMC will take care of providing shelter to the affected families and the best treatment will be provided to the injured. The victims are workers came from remote places for livelihood he noted. GHMC officials and police teams are involved in the rescue operations while 10 ambulances are ready to shift the injured.
Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, who is in Delhi, expressed shock at the incident. He directed the GHMC, Commissioner and Police Commissioner to shift the injured to the hospital for better treatment.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, N Chandrababu Naidu also expressed shock at the incident as most of the victims are from his state. He directed Minister K Atchen Naidu to take necessary steps to provide help to the victims.
Union Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya who expressed grief at the incident asked the labour officials to give a report on the incident. He also rang upto civic body and other officials and assured of help and instructed to plunge into action for timely treatment and help. (NSS)