Budget issued for Minority Welfare Commissionerate and its district offices

Government has issued the budget under planned expenditure from fiscal year 2013-14 towards Minority Welfare Commissionerate and district offices. For the Minority welfare Commissionerate established in Hyderabad Rs. 63.29 lakh have been released as the first installment. Principal Secretary Social Welfare Incharge Minority Welfare J Raymond Peter issued GO RT 64. The amount will be spent for head quarter expenditure including, rent, salaries, missionary, traveling expenses and other requirements.

Apart from this Rs. 67.31 lakhs have been issued under planned budget for the district offices of the commissionerate. GO RT 63 has been issued in this connection. Mr. M A Waheed has got the honour of being the first commissioner of Minority Welfare of the state. Commissionerate Head quarter is being established at Tilak Road, Hyderabad which will soon be inaugurated.

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