To give cost effective service to our valued customers BSNL has introduced promotional unlimited Broadband plan “Experience Unlimited BB 249” at 2 Mbps Speed & free installation.
This plan has received overwhelming response and observed that the customers are able to download & upload heavy data upto even 390 GB in a month under this plan. Hence, per GB data cost comes out to be even less than Rs.1/- per GB. BSNL is the only operator who is offering less than Rs.1/- per GB data download cost plan under wireline Boradband services in the country.
- Anantharam, Chief General Manager, Telangana Telecom Circle informed this offer is valid up to 2017 March 31st. New Broadband connection can be subscribed by visiting nearest BSNL Customer Service Centre or by calling Toll Free Number 1800 345 1500. For more details customer can visit BSNL website (NSS)