New Delhi: One more video has emerged after a BSF man showing poor quality food being served to them on the icy border in Jammu and Kashmir. A Central Reserve Police Force constable has complained about the alleged harassment by superiors.
A clip posted by Lance Naik Yagya Pratap Singh is trending in the social media. He posted in 42 Infantry Brigade in Dehradun, in which the “abuse” by his senior officers who often threatened him that he would lose his job if he did not follow their orders which included polishing their shoes has been shown.
Singh said last year in the month of June he wrote to the Prime Minister, the defence minister, the President and the Supreme Court, his brigade received a communication from the PMO asking for a probe into his grievances instead of investigating the issue, Singh said his superiors began harassing him and also initiated an enquiry, which could potentially result in his court-martial.
“I had written an application to the PM in which I said that soldiers, who act as sahayaks, should not be made to polish shoes of officers,” Singh said.
“I have been called for court-martial, but what wrong have I done,” Singh asked.He said when the Prime Minister’s Office wrote back to the Brigade asking it to investigate the matter, “the Brigadier… put pressure on me and tortured me to such a level that I could have taken an extreme step. But I will not commit suicide or act in any way or against anyone that will tarnish the name of my service,” he said.
Meanwhile the CRPF DG, K Durga Prasad said that this trend of airing grievances was ‘not the healthiest and correct’ way. He said. “It is not a good thing to bring out these issues through the social media. It is not the healthiest way of doing things. It is like if you don’t get anything, you go and do this. Use of social media for this purpose is wrong as they (troops) have various forums for grievance redressal.”
He said. “Having said that, I will add and ask my senior officers to take further efforts to engage with the personnel more often and ensure that they remain in contact with them much more than they are now,” Prasad said.
In another video, CRPFconstable Jeet Singh asked why the para-military force personnel are not provided facilities at par with their army counterpart when they are also performing similar tasks.
Mr. Prasad said denying the issues that.“This is an old video. The jawan has service-related grievances and is seeking parity in pay and other benefits. An Inspector General rank officer of the force has already got in touch with him. We have made it clear that if there are any problems to the troops, we will address them immediately.”