Hyderabad: Cybercrime police of Hyderabad arrested 3 fake brokers, B. Palaiah, M. Lakhan Singh and Khaja Qutubuddin whereas another accused by name Jagadish is absconding. DCP of CCS told that one Mohammed Abbas, resident of Somajiguda registered a complaint that out of his 370 yards house, 220 yards was sold to Khaja Qutubudin in 2001. When he went to GHMC office Khairtabad to pay his property tax, he found that the remaining portion of 150 yards had also been transferred in the name of his neighbor Khaja Qutubuddin. When he enquired, he came to know that in connivance with the outsourcing data entry operator, B. Pallaia and clerk, the entire portion of his house has been transferred. Police registered a case and started investigations.
–Siasat News