British Police warn drivers not to hide car keys at home

London, June 22: A police officer has advised against hiding car keys at home Drivers should not hide their car keys when at home because it risks a violent confrontation with burglars, a policeman has warned.

The controversial advice was given after a case in Clifton, Lancashire, where a 16-year- old burglar murdered a pensioner for his car keys.

Speaking after the killer was jailed for life, a vehicle crime specialist from the Metropolitan Police said: ‘I’d rather they broke in and found the keys and nicked my car than have them wake me up in the middle of the night because I value my life and like a good night’s sleep.

‘If we say hide the keys then we are actually putting people at risk of ending up in the sort of situation which happened in Lancashire.’

However, an official spokesman for the Met said the comments did not represent their official advice, which was to keep car keys out of view.

It is estimated that more than 50 people a day across the UK have their cars stolen by burglars who ransack their homes and drive off with the spoils in their victim’s vehicle.

A total of 15,741 cars were stolen last year by burglars who got hold of the keys after breaking into victims’ homes while a further 2,858 were taken by force in robberies and car-jackings.

According to insurance and car crime experts that figure is rising at more than 15 per cent a year.

Around 11 per cent of the 170,000 or so cars reported stolen every year are as a result of the keys being taken during a house burglary or violence against drivers.

In recent months police from forces as far a-field as Warwickshire, West Yorkshire, West Mercia, Northampton, Kent and Manchester have all released car key burglary warnings.

‘The amount of car key burglaries we have been dealing with has increased significantly,’ said Asmar Chaudry, a spokesman for Greater Manchester Police.

‘It’s because security systems in cars have improved so much that the only way you can actually get into them is by using the keys. It’s not a problem that’s restricted to one place, it’s a nationwide phenomena.’
