New Delhi: A Brigadier lost his four years of seniority after pleaded guilty to charges of committing adultery with the wife of a Colonel.
A General Courts Martial (GCM) of the Army has sentenced the Brigadier loss of 4-years of seniority as well as awarded him a ‘severe reprimand’, that is, he will not be entitled to any promotion if he continues his service with the Indian Army, reports International Business Times.
An officer from GCM said: “Usually, officers indicted for such offence are summarily sacked, sometimes without pension and other benefits. But the punishment is relatively less in the brigadier’s case because he pleaded guilty to the charges.”
The Brigadier had been commanding a Brigade in Sikkim and remained attached to the mountain division to face the court-martial. As per the Indian Express, six other officers of the rank of Brigadier were members of the trial, which took place at Binaguri, a Kolkata-based Eastern Army Command.
A major general commanding a mountain division headed the court-martial.