Mumbai: Irrfan Khan the 49-year-old, Bollywood actor says he “would like to do films anywhere”. He said.“If I am offered a non-Hindi film, say a Marathi movie, and I like the story, I would love to sign up for it without thinking about the money,” he says.
He adds. “The budget for the Bangladeshi film I acted in was a crore. But I signed it because I liked the director. People were surprised.”
The actor who divides his time efficiently between Bollywood, Hollywood and other international projects feels “fortunate” to have received so many opportunities and worked with “different kinds of people.”
“If I do two-three films (in India) and still have time, I try to explore projects abroad,” says Irrfan.
The actor has just finished a Bangladeshi film, an European drama. Irrfan who has worked with big stars, including Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar, in the past said. “When I worked with Shah Rukh Khan on Billu (2009), he was honest with me. He did exactly what he promised when it came to the positioning of the film,” he added
“I have also enjoyed working with Akshay.” The actor says that “no director has come up with a story, where we (a big star and him) have had equal roles since then.
Irrfan goes on to talk about how he doesn’t need to struggle between choosing commercial and non- commercial films. “I recently acted in Jazba. It was as commercial as it could be. So, it is fine at this stage,” he says.