Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin defend ‘Duck Dynasty’ star for homosexuality remarks

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has defended a reality TV star suspended for derogatory remarks he made about homosexuality.

Phil Robertson, who appears in the show Duck Dynasty, was asked to describe sin by a magazine, to which he replied that and ‘Start with homosexual behaviour and just morph out from there’.

According to the BBC, the A and E television network later said it was ‘extremely disappointed’.

In a statement, Jindal defending Robertson said that it was a ‘messed-up situation’.

Jindal pointed out that Robertson was suspended while ‘Miley Cyrus gets a laugh’, referring to a US pop star’s raunchy performances, the report said.

Former US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin also defended Robertson on Twitter.

She tweeted free speech is endangered species; those ‘intolerants’ hatin’ and taking on Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing personal opinion take on us all, the report added. (ANI)