New Delhi: Calling Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal the ‘biggest bluff master’ ever, BJP national spokesperson Shazia Ilmi on Thursday said people of Delhi should not trust him as the AAP chief has copied certain major promises from the BJP’s manifesto meant for the upcoming Assembly polls in the national capital.
“Arvind Kejriwal has copied his previous year’s manifesto as well some key promises from the BJP’s manifesto. People of Delhi should not believe him as he is the biggest bluff master ever,” said Ilmi while speaking to ANI.
CCTV Cameras
“He promised CCTV cameras five years ago and now again, he is talking about it in AAP’s manifesto,” she said taking a jibe at Kejriwal.
Cornering Kejriwal over his debate challenge with BJP’s chief ministerial candidate which is yet to be declared, Ilmi said: “Every worker of BJP and all citizens of Delhi are ready to debate with him. But first Kejriwal should give a clear picture on AAP’s link with the Popular Front of India (PFI) and JNU student Sharjeel Imam.”
“He should also answer why he deployed his own worker Kapil Gurjar with a pistol at Shaheen Bagh. When Gurjar was found with a gun, just half and hour later, Kejriwal tweeted tagging Union Home Minister Amit Shah about the incident,” she added.
Firing at Shaheen Bagh
The BJP spokesperson held Kejriwal and his people responsible for violence and firing at Shaheen Bagh.
Being asked on the claims that Tihar Jail authorities, on the direction of the central government, have moved the trial court with an application of seeking issuance of fresh date of execution of death warrants against convicts, she said: “Delhi government has been lying, the fact of the matter is Tihar Jail administration is within the jurisdiction of the Delhi government. This is why they are able to change the manual without informing to Lieutenant Governor.”
“It was AAP who has been delaying the verdict of Nirbhaya case convicts. It was Indira Jaisingh, who works for AAP, who asked Nirbhaya’s mother to forgive the rape and murdered convicts,” she said.