New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said that BJP will win more than 50 out of 60 seats where polling was held in the first two phases of West Bengal Assembly polls. Polling for 30 seats each was held in two phases, first on March 27 and second on April1.
Addressing an election rally in West Bengal, Shah said, “BJP has won more than 50 seats out of 60 in the first two phase of Bengal polls, Didi (Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee) herself is losing from Nandigram.”
A senior party leader said that after yesterday’s review meeting the party is confident of winning Nandigram. “The feedback is overwhelming and the reports received from Nandigram shows that Adhikari is winning comfortably,” he said.
Banerjee is contesting from Nandigram against BJP’s Suvendu Adhikari, her former close aide. Even before the end of voting yesterday, the BJP claimed that Adhikari is winning the polls. “I have a personal relationship with every person in Nandigram. I am pretty confident to win the election,” Adhikari had said after casting his vote yesterday.
On March 28, a day after the first phase of voting in a press conference, Shah had said, “Based on discussion and feedback received from booth level workers and leaders, I can confidently say that we are winning 26 of 30 seats which went in for polls in the first phase in West Bengal.”