New Delhi: Congress general secretary and former Union minister, C P Joshi at a press conference said that the BJP government has failed on all fronts. Their tall promise of creating two crore jobs annually too has fallen flat. Every month 10 lakh youth get added to the queue of the unemployed.
“India needs to create 34.35 crore jobs by 2028, that is 3-4 crore jobs every year. At current speed, the government will take 1,560 years to create as many jobs,” he said at the conference in the presence of Haryana Congress president Ashok Tanwar.
The party spokesperson claimed that BJP only believed in propaganda, politics of polarisation, false promises and misleading the public, DH reported.
“Yesterday, former PM Manmohan Singh had said that the country’s growth has slowed down mainly due to demonetization. The maximum impact has been seen in the informal sector, the government should tell how many jobs have been lost in this sector,” he stated.
Asked about the BJP’s argument that they have not been hit by any scam, unlike the previous Congress-led UPA government, Joshi said, “you wait for some time, many things will come out of the closet.” He said the Congress will collect proof on how corruption was going on and then bring it before the people.
“Congress is a responsible party, we do not want to mislead people….We also want to ask why no action is being taken against some big companies, who owe banks a whopping Rs 1.25 lakh crore,” he said.
Joshi said the BJP led government had collected Rs 1,32,649 crore as “education cess” in the last three years and said that “no one knows where the money has gone?”
According to a report, as many as 4.7 crore school children drop out every year and government schools have vacancies of over 5 lakh teachers.
Aadhaar has been made compulsory for the ‘mid-day meal’ scheme which may deprive many children of getting these meals, he said. Quoting National Crime Record Bureau figures he told kidnapping of women, human trafficking and crimes against children have witnessed a surge.
“Delhi and BJP ruled states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have the highest crime rate,” he said.
“Women in Assam are now being punished for having more than two children by denying them the right to get elected,” he said. While speaking about the fear in minorities, “BJP is attacking minorities as a tool of their polarising agenda,” he alleged. He also claimed that atrocities on the Dalits had increased ever since the BJP came to power.
“Also, recruitment in central government jobs for Scheduled Castes has declined by 91 per cent during the BJP rule,” he claimed.