A survey has been conducted by India Today-Karvy Insights which shows that if the SP, BSP, Congress, Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) and others fought together as a unit against the BJP, it would have inflicted a massive blow to the BJP. The Mood of the Nation poll observed if they were fighting as a single unit, the seat tally of these parties could have increased to 75 this time, from a paltry five seats in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
A total of 2,478 people were polled in Uttar Pradesh for this survey. Findings of Mood of the Nation poll for UP reveal the seats that the BJP-Apna Dal are likely to win this time will tumble from 73 to 5 – a fall of 93 per cent. However, these numbers are for a hypothetical situation where the SP, BSP, Congress, RLD and others come together as a single unit to fight the BJP in Uttar Pradesh.
According to the poll survey, the ‘grand alliance’ is likely to win 75 of the 80 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh this time, increasing the vote share of this combine from 56.7 per cent in 2014 to 64 per cent this time.