Allahabad (UP): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday downplayed Samajwadi Chief Mulayam Singh’s remarks on his brother Shivpal Yadav’s resignation and dubbed the whole episode a family drama.
BJP state president Keshav Prasad Maurya said, “The whole episode is Mulayam Singh Yadav’s family drama, The people of Uttar Pradesh were and are fed up of this Samajwadi party government and now they just want to get rid of it. And forget Shivpal Yadav I have been demanding Akhilesh Yadav’s resignation as he governs state’s home ministry and is unable to look after law and order in the state.”
“No other state has such brittle law and order stature. The police administration is useless, the goons are powerful here. So I will request Akhilesh Yadav to resign and Mulayam Singh ji to shrug off his love for his son and accept his resignation,” he added.
Mulayam came out in support of his brother and Cabinet Minister Shivpal Yadav on Monday, saying if he left the Samajwadi Party, it will get divided into factions.
His remarks came a day after Shivpal threatened to resign alleging rampant corruption in the Uttar Pradesh government headed by Mulayam’s son Akhilesh Yadav.
With India’s most populous state scheduled to vote soon, at a flag-hoisting programme on the occasion of Independence Day, Mulayam said that a conspiracy was being hatched against Shivpal within SP and if he leaves the party, it will get divided into factions.
In June, the Akhilesh, refused to allow the Samajwadi Party to annex a small regional party headed by a criminal as a partner for the election.
According to reports, Akhilesh said that a tainted partner would further dent the government’s attempt to project itself as focused on developing one Uttar Pradesh. (ANI)