New Delhi: BJP is all set to unleash over 1.5 million party cadres to tackle the Opposition and the media, woo the electorate and “transform the country” ahead of 2019 elections. The cadre has been trained over the last four years. The four-year training programme is called the “Deen Dayal Upadhyay Prashikshan Mahabh-iyan”. While directing them to “check EVMs through a mock poll, erasing the mock poll and staying in touch with Election Commission officials”, the workers have also been asked to refrain from any sort of “ideological distortion”.
Asian Age has quoted BJP general secretary P. Muralidhar Rao as saying, “The BJP expects that this large pool of trained party workers will play a major role in transforming the country… and in the 2019 polls this training programme will have a huge impact.”
The trained cadres will have a dialogue with the electorate on core issues including nationalism. Major stress has been laid on booth management. But the party workers have also been asked to be in “regular touch with distinguished and influential persons in the area” and “keep a close watch on the activities and work of the people of other parties”.
BJP cadres have been asked to create awareness about “forced conversion” as one of the major challenges before the nation.