Hyderabad: The Centre’s decision to hold simultaneous election had seemed to alter the political equation in the State with the state BJP Chief K Laxman and its floor leader in the Assembly G Kishan Reddy accompanying IT minister KT Rama Rao, Home minister N Narsimha Reddy and other ministers for inspecting development works in Musheerabad, Chikkadpally, Narayanaguda and other areas in Hyderabad on Tuesday. They travelled together in a bus and also posed for group photos, according to a news item published in the New Indian Express.
This did not go down well with other BJP leaders like Nagam Janardhan Reddy, who said to his colleagues that “BJP should not be caught in the trap laid by the ruling party. BJP seniors moving hand in hand with ministers will confuse the party cadres.”
The Congress was quick to accuse TRS of maintaining secret relationship with BJP and Congress veteran V Hanumantha Rao said that “Our allegation that there is a secret understanding between TRS and BJP has been proved today. The way BJP leaders accompanied KTR during his city visit clearly shows that there is a secret agreement between the two parties.”
However BJP senior and former Union minister Bandaru Dattatreya differed with this view and said that “There is nothing wrong in inspecting development works along with ministers. Both of them accompanied the ministers as they visited the Assembly segments represented by BJP,” he said. “BJP very well knows when to cooperate with the State government for the sake of State’s development and it also has the knowledge of when to organise agitations against the policies of the ruling establishment.”
The Congress also accused the BJP leaders trying to dilute the TJAC’s programme Koluvula Kai Kotlata public meeting proposed to be held on the similar issue on Nov 30.