Kishanganj: Ram Janambhoomi movie trailer was released a few days ago in which it was tried to incite Shia Sunni differences and some sacred Islamic laws and personalities were desecrated.
Speaking to journalists here, noted scholar and MP Maulana Israrul Haq Qasmi demanded an immediate ban on Wasim Rizvi’s book as it has some controversial parts. Maulana said Wasim Rizvi has lost his mental balance. He has totally surrendered to BJP and RSS for political gains, as a result Shia community itself has expelled him from their community.
Maulana said the film will create hatred in the society which will benefit only a particular political party. He demanded strict action against the movie and said if the government doesn’t take any action in this connection, we will move to Court.
He maintained that through the film it is being conspired to create differences among Hindus and Muslims. He said actually the BJP is jittery over its failure during four and a half years of its rule. Keeping in view the ensuing elections, it wants to fan the fuel of such issues so that people fall prey to them and get distracted from the real issue.