Patna, Oct. 18 : Taking a jibe at Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav over his allegations that the incident of fan falling on his hand during a rally at Motihari was orchestrated by the ruling party at the Centre, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday said the former should accept that they can even bring down the Nitish Kumar-led government in Bihar.
“If he thinks that we are so powerful that we can bring down fans then he should also accept that we can also bring down Nitish Kumar-led government,” BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain told reporters.
The RJD supremo had a narrow escape on Friday after a ceiling fan fell on him during an election rally in Motihari, Bihar.
Following the incident, Lalu had alleged that the BJP and RSS were using all kinds of black magic to win the elections in Bihar.
This was the second freak accident this week wherein the veteran politician escaped unhurt.
Earlier on Tuesday, the RJD boss reportedly fell off a stage after it collapsed during his meeting with the party leaders in Arwal as part of his campaign for the Bihar Assembly elections. (ANI)