Alleging that the BJP slipped its word on categorisation of SC reservations, MRPS founder president Manda Krishna Madiga has demanded the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to mount pressure on the centre with its MPs and made it clear that KCR has to take all-party delegation to Delhi in this regard.
Speaking to the media here on Wednesday, Manda Krishna alleged that there was no mention of SC Welfare Minister on the board displayed before Power Minister G Jagdeesh Reddy’s residence. He warned Jagdeesh Reddy that MRPS activists would obstruct the Minister everywhere in case the latter failed to change the board.
On the other hand, Manda Krishna addressed a letter to KCR seeking latter’s appointment. In his letter, Manda Krishna thanked KCR for extending his support for the categorisation of SC reservations since beginning and for urging Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take a positive decision on the issue. He urged KCR to take the all-party delegation to Delhi as early as possible and also requested Chief Minister to extend TRS party support to the proposed Telangana Bandh on March 13. (NSS)