The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday announced that, if voted to power, it would officially celebrate the Hyderabad Liberation Day on September 17 as it is done in some districts of Maharashtra and Karnataka, which were part of erstwhile Hyderabad State.
Speaking after hoisting the national flag at the party office at Nampally, Kishan Reddy accused the TRS of cheating the people over the issue of Liberation Day. He said people have voted for TRS while believing that it would conduct official celebration of Liberation Day. However, K. Chandrashekar Rao changed his stand after become the Chief Minister. Paying rich tributes to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, he said Hyderabad would have become a part of Pakistan if Sardar Patel would not have acted on time in September 1948.
Later, the BJP leaders paid floral tributes to Sardar Patel at his statue opposite Assembly building. (INN)
the demand of Liberation Day celebrations. He denied allegations that TRS Government was working under the pressure of MIM. He said that the TRS was a matured party and KCR himself is an experienced politician. He said KCR has been taking right decisions and the same enjoys backing of the entire party. (INN)