BJP should learn to respect women before talking about women empowerment

Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Friday said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) should stop tapping women’s telephones in Gujarat and learn to respect them first before talking of women empowerment.

“BJP has promised women empowerment and their safety in the capital, but they need to learn how to respect women first. In Gujarat, they tap women’s phones and talk of women’s safety here. They need to respect women to empower them,” said Gandhi.

He also said that the BJP has launched an India Shinning Two, as India Shining One had failed to make any difference.

“We all watched the film Dhoom, which was a hit, and then made into sequels. BJP’s India Shining didn’t work. So, even they launched a sequel of India Shining Part two,” said Gandhi.

“In the BJP manifesto, they simply mentioned that they are against corruption, nothing more whereas we have actually worked to curb corruption in the country,” he said.

“As soon as I opened their manifesto to read it, I realized that it was the manifesto of the Congress. The BJP’s manifesto says they will bring One Rank, One Pension. They should check the newspaper, and know that we have already done it,” he added.

He further said that in the Gujarat model money was made via two to three industrialists and that this industrialist gas was filled in the India shinning balloon.

“In the Gujarat model, money is made via two to three industrialists, and this ‘industrialist gas’ is being filled into the balloon of India Shining,” Gandhi said.

In Gujarat, most small scale industries have shut down, only two to three peolpe have benefitted there. The farmers and labourers have suffered huge losses,” he said.

“We want to take India forward, for this we have to take along people of all regions, religion and no party other than the Congress can do this,” he added. (ANI)