New Delhi: Taking a dig at BJP, AAP chief spokesperson Saurabh Bharadwaj said since the BJP has nothing to attack AAP on, it has resorted to its pet subject of mandir-masjid. He was referring to BJP MP Parvesh Verma’s letter alleging that mosques were mushrooming on government land and roads in several parts of the city.
As reported by the Millenium Post, Bharadwaj said that AAP has only made schools, hospitals and colleges which the party considers as “temples of modern India”. He added that the Aam Aadmi Party government has not constructed, and not facilitate the construction of any place of worship, be it a temple, mosque, Gurudwara or Church. Instead, they have built the temples of modern India — schools, hospitals and colleges, he said.
Bharadwaj claimed that the BJP had lost the 2015 Assembly election to the Aam Aadmi Party because the AAP fought the election on issues of education, health, power and water.